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Steel Siding is lightweight and easy to clean, and can be repainted if you decide to change the color of your home. It's considered energy efficient and lowers heating and cooling costs, thus reducing energy costs and saving you money over the life of your home. In the long run, steel siding is not more expensive than other siding because it may reduce energy costs and last longer.


The right siding can dramatically boost your home's appearance. When selecting siding, there are five basic issues to consider:

Energy Efficiency. Check the R-value rating for energy savings and understand what will be needed as far as insulation beneath the cladding.

Aesthetics. Your siding will be in full view as you come and go, so make sure it is beautiful to you.

Durability. Does it have the strength to resist temperature shifts present in your climate? How does it stand up to everyday wear and tear?

Water Resistance. Water-resistant types of siding will have longer life spans.

Versatility. Make sure the siding has the versatility to meet the varied needs of your specific project. If there are aspects of your home's exterior that will make using a particular type of siding more challenging than others, make sure you understand what the added costs or necessary adjustments will be.


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